Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Except...it's snow

Flakes the size of quarters.  I'm not April's foolin' you early either.

Okay, maybe a little bit of an exaggeration, but not much.  Really. ;)


*Picture just for illustration purposes, different snow, different day. Full disclosure.


Keepin' it Real said...

brr that looks cold...
come "bake" with us!

lindsey said...

we had snow yesterday...it didn't amount to anything but the flakes did fall from the sky....and i'm not april foolsin' ya either. Though I don't have pics to prove it like you do.

mrs boo radley said...

Love the full disclosure. And the new blog header! Check out those eyeballs! Love the Bug in skivvies in the background.

"uplegawp" is my word for word verification, and now, my new favorite word.