Friday, March 21, 2008

Another week gone

Oh my. Holy lack of blog posts batman! What is going on with me?!

-B- to the -L- to the -O- to the -G-. Get on board and blog with me.

Hmmm, just trying a little cheer to see if I can get my blog spirits up. Not sure if it's working though. ;)

Today, I have an ode to the jumper-saucer, as we have come to affectionately call it. It's official, consumer brand power name is Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper. Whew.

To us, you were just jumper-saucer. And sadly, it seems your little boy has quite nearly outgrown you. A few pictures from just yesterday illustrate your good times. Nowadays those good times are brief, as he's just too mobile, too accomplished in his physical skills, to sit and enjoy all you have to offer. Here's to you jumper-saucer!

Really, having to say good-bye to our jumper saucer is just one more example of the revolving door of items, skills, and quirky little habits that make up the first year of an infant's life. Items once used daily now sit collecting dust waiting for me to get off my duff and find them a happy new home. Boxes of clothes. A play gym. A baby papasan chair.

The baby that came home helpless in so many ways now has the willfullness and the ability to open kitchen cabinets and shut doors and follow the pets around the house. Those cute first smiles that you question whether they are gas or true happiness have evolved into giggles and bursts of excited laughter that are so contagious you can't help but laugh along with him. Trite but true, the first year is so amazing.

Thankfully, there are many things he hasn't outgrown:

*His bed, for the time being anyway

*His diapers (ahh, longevity, that is where cloth will pay off I think!)

*That beautiful smile of his has only gotten better

*His Momma and Papa =)

Yes, he still needs us and wants to be with us. However frustrating his needs sometimes are, I know I am so blessed to have this little one who needs me.

He certainly hasn't seemed to outgrow his love of the pets either. He just adores Paisley and although she gets annoyed with him, I think she digs him quite a bit too. Hopefully it'll get better as he gets more and more skilled at throwing the ball for her to chase, and possibly finds other ways to be with his pooch other than climbing all over her. ;)

One last glimpse, happy, happy bouncing old friend. You enabled me to wash many a dish in your day. Not to mention the laundry that got done because of your helpful occupation of one wee little mind. Job well done. ;)

Wouldn't you know, my dear hubby J already has big plans for the spot where our lovely jumper-saucer now sits: potted indoor fruit trees. Big plans. That's my husband ladies and gentlemen. We'll see if this plan ever comes to fruition (hahahaha, couldn't resist that one).


Anonymous said...

Oh Amanda
How you make me laugh. After reading that I too will miss the jumper saucer!

Amanda said...

Ahh, jumper-saucer will indeed be happy to hear that. ;)

HAHA...actually knowing our lazy behinds, it'll still be sitting where it is now when you visit.

So it's good-bye might be a bit premature. HAHAHAHA.

Keepin' it Real said...

I personally think you just need to save it for the next wee one to use... and that shouldn't be too long... maybe another year or so... come on... space em like us!

Love ya and miss ya

Amanda said...

Oh Tara, you're HILARIOUS! I think I'll leave it at that...silly woman, the "next one." ;)