Sunday, January 18, 2009

Contrary to the look on Bug's face...

...we are having TONS of fun in WA right now! ;)


Today is Sunday...yesterday was Saturday (always good to have a little review right?!), and that meant WEDDING DAY!  Our long time pals Brandon and Lindsey finally "did the damn* thing already"--as the best man so aptly put it during his toast--and we couldn't be more thrilled for them.  Or more honored to be part of their amazing day. =)

So again, today is Sunday and with yesterday being THE day, we are all finally able to breathe again.  Hehe.  I thought I'd sit down and send out a little blog love. ;)

Here is the bride herself...anti-bridezilla of the century...even though we're only 9 years in I know there won't ever be a more cool and sweet bride, EVER...okay, enough, here she is!


Okay wait, I have to give a quick shout-out to my new sis-in-law Nichole, who was very anti-bridezilla too. =)  I have some awesome ladies in my life huh?!  

Back to this bride though, hehe, here she is getting her "hair did."


Looking contemplative. ;)  There were nerves, but only over the magnitude of the event itself; pretty sure marrying Brandon was a no-brainer.  =)


J has been SUPER DAD over the past few days, being pretty much solely responsible for Buggie as I've been busy trying to be there for the bride (I hope I was at least okay, Linds!).  And Bug has weathered the long days and crazy whirling activity around him like a champ.  Mostly.  ;)


I wish I had pics of the bride and groom in their wedding day duds, but alas, we got busy and the day/night slipped completely away from us.  We were too busy having fun I guess!  What I really wish we had is a shot of Brandon carrying Lindsey over the threshold when they got home. ;)  Yup, they came home to house-guests on their wedding night.  What kooks!  And we sat around and drank wine, ate chips, and told silly stories til way too late.  

So CONGRATULATIONS to Lindsey and Brandon!  Whatever shenanigans may have befallen you day...or however wonderful it was too...the rest is what really counts.  How you live your life together is the true testament of your love for one another and I know J and I have felt blessed to be able to witness that. ;)  And we wish we could witness it more often in fact!  J will start preparing his job applications for WA soon I'm sure.  HAHA, just kidding.  Sort of. ;)

*Please excuse my language there.  I wanted to leave the direct quote intact because it was just too funny. ;)


Amanda said...

your pics are gorgeous! You have a beautiful family (or handsome, whichever, or both). :D

mrs boo radley said...

Lovely pics! Some fantastic weather, hey?

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are great; WA looks beautiful . . . and so do you guys. I was just comparing Grady's hair in the pictures from this post to your last post and the color looks so different. I can't wait to see you guys . . . tomorrow!!!

Keepin' it Real said...

ok... so look how green it is... for some reason I thought they had some snow... it looks like the weather was beautiful ... and you guys looked great. Please pass our congrats on to the happy couple!

Anonymous said...

You were the best matron of honor a bride could ask for. I cant't thank you, jeremy, and grady enough for coming out and being a part of our day. It just wouldn't have been the same without you. You are truely my best friend and I do expect j to refresh his resume and send it out this way ;)Love you all so much.